March 18, 2010

One-Day Getaway

Randomly some of V's friends from other states visited him and decided to invite us for a day in Boston.
Mind you, V and I live in New York so its a 4 hour drive from NYC to Boston. AND I had work for 7 hours the next day.
And you know what?
We went!
It was a lot of fun, Boston is DEFINITELY an interesting place. The trains at the train station (which they call the "T" and NYC calls it the subway) and the random stores such as "Dollar-A-Pound" where you just go through a mountain of clothes on the floor and pay $1.50 a pound for it. I also love the names of the restaurants at Boston such as "The Other Side" and "Shaws". And the food is SOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD.
The lobster at the Legal Seafood there WAS AWESOME.
I hope to go back and explore more.
I also want to go to Maine.
For the seafooooood!

The people I went with and my Dollar-A-Pound bag of clothes!

Boston "T" Trains! Some of them have stairs!!!!

V and his giant meal.
And for those of you who do know V.
Yes his hair is short and blonde.
And gross.

My fish with veggies and rice pilaf nomnomnm.

Legal Seafood!!! Sooo goood.


  1. omg you look so hotxxx caroline!
    and why does V look like a big lesbian dyke (im sorry) LOL

  2. Aww, looks fun! (Esp. Dollar-a-pound store)

    But why did V.... Why electric yellow.

  3. Ahhh, I would love to have Maine sea food again, lobsters omnomnomnomnom :DDDD but other than that, I much prefer NYC! <333333333

  4. Dollar a pound sounds awesome!

    Oh dear that yellow is tragic >_<

  5. haha cute arale~!
    so u are really chinese?!
